Anjiro Initiative

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Anjiro Initiative attends Southern Voice Conference in Nairobi

On October 24th-25th, 2023, Anjiro Initiative Head of Programs, Franka, attended Southern Voice‘s landmark research conference, “Driving the Next Decade of Sustainable Development” in Nairobi, Kenya. 

Our organization was excited to learn that Franka was the only representative from Madagascar among the distinguished list of participants! Anjiro Initiative looks forward to further engagement with the Southern Voice network to bring awareness to critical social issues in Madagascar, especially as it relates to eliminating gender disparities in education.

This year’s conference brought together leadership from Southern Voice’s member institutions from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean, as well as key partners from across the globe, embodying the network’s collective mission to address the knowledge asymmetry and participation deficit in the global development discourse. 

About Southern Voice: Southern Voice aims to contribute to a power shift in inter-governmental relations on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It stimulates, generates, disseminates, and promotes high-quality evidence-based analysis on the SDGs; empowers Think Tanks from the Global South, embeds Southern research in the global discourse on the SDGs, and promotes space for deliberative evidence-based policymaking and ensures governments are held accountable for effective delivery.

5/6/24 Update from Southern Voice:

We are pleased to share with you a synthesis of the Southern Voice Conference 2023: Driving the next decade of development. 

The synthesis summarises some key points from each session, and brings together insights from the interactive sessions within the conference to chart the next phase of the network as voiced by the Southern Voice community. You can access the synthesis document on our website here